Impact of electronic gadgets on youths

Impact of electronic gadgets on youths

Now a days the developing of electronic gadgets have become very popular among the young generation and also the adults. People cannot stay away from these electronic gadgets a second. This is same on youths. They spend hours in front of their computers or laptops just playing games, listening to music, chatting and etc. Even a three-year-old child has all the knowledge about how to use electronic gadgets like playing games, clicking photos and also chatting.

There are also parents who always keep spending their time on such electronic gadgets instead of spending time with their family. Their young ones become lonely because of this and it affects them and as a result, they also start spending time on electronic gadgets. Children should be encouraged to play outside in fresh air and the sunshine this makes the body more fit instead of encouraging them to play video games or watch television and etc.

Most of the children spent their time on watching television there are several harmful effects of watching television. Children may damage their eyes because of watching television. There are several scenes of violence that affect them and after being an adult they can also start doing violence. This is also a result of low marks in their study.

 But there are also several advantages of watching television like children can get information around the world from the news. We can get to know about the weather from the news. Children can also learn several topics related to their study from educational channels.

There are many disadvantages of using electronic gadgets like

  • Children playing video games for hours may have difficulty on concentrating on their studies.
  •     It is more important spending time with their family members and playing outdoor games instead of playing video games it makes them weak and spending less time with their family members and friends.

  • Extensive use of electronic gadgets may make the child of a poor health in the future.

  • It makes a wastage of money as wasting money behind these gadgets is of no use but destroying a child’s future and health too.


Coming away from these gadgets is not impossible but we cannot remove the use of these devices from our daily lives.

  • Spending more time playing outside can help.
  • Using computer only for study requirements and etc.

These tips can help a lot to reduce the time of usage of these electronic gadgets. So friends, reduce the time of the usage of these electronic gadgets it will help you a lot.


  1. Awesome... Megha you improved a lot... Keep it up.


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