Effects of POLLUTION

        Effects of pollution
        What is pollution? Pollution is a substance which has harmful or poisonous impact on our natural environment. 

        Due to pollution thousands of people die in a year. Pollution is death to human life, animal life and etc. Pollution also causes Global warming which is harmful to our environment. What is global warming? Global warming is a gradual increase of our earth’s temperature. It makes the earth very hot and because of that, the harmful gasses are unable to escape from the atmosphere.

        We all should know the effects of pollution so we will try to reduce it. There are several effects of pollution to human life, animal life and etc.

        Air Pollution
        Air pollution is a type of pollution which contaminates the air…

        Effects of Air Pollution
  •  It affects our human body such as ears, nose, mouth, throat and especially our lungs also known as the respiratory system.
  •  Also, weakens our lungs.
  •  It also causes several diseases like asthma, bronchitis, and also lung cancer.
  •  It also causes common colds, cough, sneezing, headaches, and dizziness.
  •  Sometimes it also causes premature death to a person.
  •  Damages the Ozone Layer.

       Water Pollution
        Water pollution is a pollution which contaminates the water.

       Effects of Water pollution
  •  Several diseases are caused like typhoid, jaundice, hookworm  to humans.  
  •  Marine life is also affected.
  •  Beach water swimming causes skin rashes, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach   infections.
       Noise pollution
       Harmful noises which can affect our human body.

       Effects of Noise Pollution
  • It causes irritation.
  • Hearing problems.
  • It affects mental sharpness.
  • A continue disturbing noise can damage our ears.
       So friends, I appeal you to reduce pollution and plant more trees as it reduces almost 50% of the pollution… 



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