A doll

A doll
I really remember those days when I use to play with Suzan my owner a cute little girl. Those were my golden days. Now I am at a corner of a shelf. I always think that when I will come out from here and I will be playing with Suzan. Beside me there is an old broken toy duck. I talk with him sometimes but I still feel very lonely. Years before when I was all new I was very neat and tidy sitting at the shelf of a shop. I was just waiting that when a girl would buy me and I would play with her. I didn’t have to wait for a long time. Soon a little girl came and took me she showed to her mother and her mother was ready to pay for the doll. So they bought me and took me home. That time I was the happiest doll of the world. I was eager to play with that little girl. Soon I came to know that her name is Suzan. She played with me each and every day. I often sat with Suzan for tea. She served me and I smiled. I also made many friends like with jumbo the elephant and with the yellow teddy bear with red polka dots. They all loved me and I also loved them.

But slowly I was getting dirty my stiches were getting loosed and my brown hair was turning so dirty that they were as black as ebony. And one day suddenly I saw that Suzan had bought one more doll she was prettier than me and I was so jealous. But I didn’t loosed hope I thought that Suzan still love me a lot more than that another doll. But that wasn’t the truth she played with her more. She gave more time to her. And dressed her up, made her plates and kept her neat and clean. And I was there alone sitting at the corner. Undressed with uncombed hair and I started to be very dirty. And like this, many years went by and I was left alone there. Lost and lonely.


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