
Showing posts from March, 2017

Impact of electronic gadgets on youths

Impact of electronic gadgets on youths Now a days the developing of electronic gadgets have become very popular among the young generation and also the adults. People cannot stay away from these electronic gadgets a second. This is same on youths. They spend hours in front of their computers or laptops just playing games, listening to music, chatting and etc. Even a three - year - old child has all the knowledge about how to use electronic gadgets like playing games, clicking photos and also chatting. There are also parents who always keep spending their time on such electronic gadgets instead of spending time with their family. Their young ones become lonely because of this and it affects them and as a result, they also start spending time on electronic gadgets. Children should be encouraged to play outside in fresh air and the sunshine this makes the body more fit instead of encouraging them to play video games or watch television and etc.

Effects of POLLUTION

        Effects of pollution         What is pollution? Pollution is a substance which has harmful or poisonous impact on our natural environment.          Due to pollution thousands of people die in a year. Pollution is death to human life, animal life and etc. Pollution also causes Global warming which is harmful to our environment. What is global warming? Global warming is a gradual increase of our earth’s temperature. It makes the earth very hot and because of that, the harmful gasses are unable to escape from the atmosphere.         We all should know the effects of pollution so we will try to reduce it. There are several effects of pollution to human life, animal life and etc.          Air Pollution         Air pollution is a type of pollution which contaminates the air…         Effects of Air Pollution   It affects our human body such as ears, nose, mouth, throat and especially our lungs also known as the respiratory system.   Als

Discover Nature

Discover Nature There are many things to discover in nature. Have you ever thought ... what does nature contains? How are they formed? Well nature contains almost everything in the earth such as the blue sky, clouds, oceans, trees, flowers, lighting of the thunder storm, different types of fruits growing in various trees. Well each part of the nature may take thousands and also millions of years to form. Nature is very beautiful and if we try to understand it so we can take care of the nature. Nature is full of mysteries and facts. Have you ever had a nature walk? What have you seen? When I have a nature walk I observe each and every detail of the nature like the details of the flowers and details of the leaves. My favorite flower is Calla Lily. I like the color of that flower and also love the structure of that flower. What is your favorite flower? Have you ever carefully observed the blue crystal sky? When I observe the sky I see clouds moving slowly- slowly, I see

A doll

A doll I really remember those days when I use to play with Suzan my owner a cute little girl. Those were my golden days. Now I am at a corner of a shelf. I always think that when I will come out from here and I will be playing with Suzan. Beside me there is an old broken toy duck. I talk with him sometimes but I still feel very lonely. Years before when I was all new I was very neat and tidy sitting at the shelf of a shop. I was just waiting that when a girl would buy me and I would play with her. I didn’t have to wait for a long time. Soon a little girl came and took me she showed to her mother and her mother was ready to pay for the doll. So they bought me and took me home. That time I was the happiest doll of the world. I was eager to play with that little girl. Soon I came to know that her name is Suzan. She played with me each and every day. I often sat with Suzan for tea. She served me and I smiled. I also made many friends like with jumbo the elephant