Who was that?

Who was that?

I was in my school working on my new project with my friends. We were just deciding how to work on our presentation. Well, I was the head of my group and the other groups were busy with their own project. We were making a working model of rainwater harvesting. And the other groups on saving the mother earth, water cycle, and other electricity stuff.

I was just going to paint my model and at the particular moment, a very noisy sound came. We ran toward our classroom window facing our huge school playground. It was not clearly visible. A saucer type of shape appeared in the sky. It was still not visible as the sky was too cloudy and dark. Slowly-slowly after a while, the object was visible. It was a UFO!!! It was very huge and big and there were giant lights at the sides of the UFO. Then it landed on our playground.

Everyone was very scared. I hardly could breathe. I just thought in my mind that was it an alien attack or anything else scary. We all gathered in our playground. And everybody was astonished. The structure was huge. And suddenly the door automatically opened. When the door just opened so much of light came out that everyone’s eyes were hurting even my eyes were hurting badly. We couldn’t see anything it was too bright. After a while the brightness was low and we could see that what type of creature would come out of the UFO. We saw a huge shadow of a man. It was very scary. It was so scary that I skipped a beat or a two.

And guess what!!! Whose shadow was that? It was the famous scientist Dr.Burns. He was just testing his newly invented UFO that he finished making it a few days ago. He landed in our school playground because he wanted to talk to our school principal.

So next time when you see a UFO or any other suspicious object so don’t panic. Just wait for a while because Dr. Burns may test his newly invented UFO and other stuff.at or a two...


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