A stray cat

A stray cat

Meow…Meow…Well, my name is Tom. I am a stray cat. At present, I am just laying at the front of a door with my friends Missy and CoCo. They are my best friends. I spend most of the time with them just chasing rats and sleeping. I just love sleeping well most of the cats prefer sleeping their best hobby it’s a fact. I would just like to share you some of my best memories and moments. So let’s get started.

I would like to tell how I made Missy and CoCo the cat my best friends. Well, one of the hottest day I was sleeping under the cool shade of a tree. That is the place where I used to sleep at that time but today it is replaced by a small grocery shop and a couple of shops beside it. So I was resting there in peace when I saw a dog barking at a poor little cat of my age. I tried to save her but the dog was too big and scary that’s why I didn’t have any courage but I just overcame it and chased the dog away by my sharp claws scratching at the dog’s body and face. Well from that day the little cat called Missy was my friend.

Now I will tell how CoCo became my best friend. In one of the coldest winter days, I was walking through the streets searching for food. I was searching and searching but did not get any food. Then I saw a cat eating his meal. I was watching him from a little distance. I started feeling so hungry that ran to him and asked him for food. At first, he did not listen to me but after a few more minutes I again asked him for food and guess what he gave me little share from his food. I was so happy that couldn’t express it to him. As I had got food after whole three days. From that day I and CoCo became friends. 

These were my two of the best memories of my life. Now let me tell you more about my memories which brought me great happiness to my life.

Once I was traveling through a grand ship. It was very huge and many people were also there. I was very hungry at that time. I was wondering in one of the chambers of the ship. I saw a girl playing with her doll. I thought that if I go to her she will feed me with delicious food. So I went to her and I mewed and mewed than mewed and mewed. Then after a while, she took me with her and feed me with a bowl of milk and a plate of half-eaten fish. I said to myself that it’s ok I can adjust with this food. I quickly started eating as I was very hungry. Then the girl took me to her room and gave me a very cozy bed to sleep. I was small. She gave me a couple of toys and grabbed a book and started reading a story for me. I soon felt asleep. When woke up I heard that the girl’s parents were scolding her. I thought why? Guess what they were scolding her because she brought me inside. Well, I thought that I should go before they throw me away out of the room. I quickly escaped out from the window. Well, that was my happiest and the saddest day too. 

Let me tell how I came to know my birthday… When I was at least ten years old I was separated from my parents. How? One day I and my parents were walking through the street. When a van came and two tall people dressed in black picked up my mom and dad and I was so horrified. The last words that I heard from my mom and dad were run!!!run!!! Instead of saving them I obeyed them and ran quickly as I can. The people were chasing me but I ran and I ran. At last, I saved my life. The people who were chasing were too tired and went back to their van. I was very sad and unhappy as my parents were not there anymore. 

At that time I was very depressed but I managed. I searched food by my own. At that time I really didn’t know how to search food as my father used to bring food for me and my mother used to be with me for the whole day. Then I got an old cat. He was older than my parents too. He taught me how to search food and other important skills that a cat should know. After a few more years, I was mature enough to live on my own. But unfortunately one day the old cat who taught me so many things was not alive at all. He passed away by saying my birth date. I heard him say “14th of May” I was so happy that he discovered my birth date. But I was sad also at the same time. Because he just passed by. From that day I always celebrated my birthday.

Well, one day Missy told me to bring me a bunch of flowers. She needed for some occasion. I thought now from where do I get a bunch flowers. Then I remembered a garden which is near the post office. That garden is very big with many huge trees and beautiful flowers. So I went to that garden, unfortunately, the entrance was closed. But I didn’t care because as long as I can jump everything is possible. I just jumped over the big walls and in a second I was inside the garden. It was so beautiful. I saw many flowers and trees. I also so a couple of squirrels, birds and two rabbits. I made them my friend and then picked up some roses, lilies, jasmines and daffodils. Those ones are my favorite I love the colors and smell of those flowers. Then I crossed the big wall telling my new friend’s goodbye and jumped. 

On the way, I saw a grocery shop. I was so hungry at that time so I picked up a packet of biscuits and ran at my top speed. I reached my home. I gave the flowers to Missy and then went off to search more food. I found a fish from a nearby pond. The fish was juicy and delicious.
Surprisingly when I returned home and entered everyone screamed and yelled Happy Birth Day. Wow!!! I was so surprised that I hugged everybody tightly. And guess what the flowers that I brought from the garden were decorated by Missy for my birthday.There was delicious dinner. Milk served in a big bowl. Some fishes on the plate and some biscuits. And small breadcrumbs on another plate. I was so happy. 

Well I still remember those golden days. Those days were my best days of my life. Well, see you next time there are more stories that I still didn’t tell you…               


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