The Rich Blind Old Lady

The rich, blind old lady

Once upon a time, there lived an old lady. She was very rich and lived in a grand bungalow. She was happy and everything was going right. But slowly- slowly her eyes grew older and older. Her eyes were very weak. Finally, she was blind. She couldn't see anything at all. She thought to call the doctor and thought to make her eyes as strong as they were in the past. She picked up her phone and dialed the number a big conversation went on. And at last, the doctor told to give a huge amount of fee. The old lady told that she will be cured perfectly so she will give the money. The doctor said ''yes''.

Next morning the doctor came. The old lady welcomed the doctor warmly. The doctor admired at the huge bungalow in which the old lady lived. When the doctor entered in her house he saw many paintings, sculptures, vases and valuable statues of the past. He admires them for a long time.

The doctor started curing the old lady. The old lady was happy that her eyes were going to be cured. But the doctor was thinking something else. He was a very greedy and selfish he thought to steal the furniture. The doctor did this only. Every time, every day when the doctor came to old lady’s house to cure her, he took one furniture each and took it to his home. Days went on and treatment of her eyes still went on. Weeks became into months and months into years. After one day the old lady was finally cured. The lady was very -very happy but there was a problem she couldn’t see her valuable and expensive furniture. She couldn’t find her statues, sculptures, paintings, vases and much more. She was very unhappy and angry. She asked the doctor “what is this where are my furniture”. The doctor said, “why are you asking me I don’t know anything.”

The lady understood what to do. The lady didn’t give money to him she told: “no more money you can go”. The doctor was cross and told why. The lady told directly that “I am not fully cured.” “I should be first cured then I will give you the money”.
The doctor said that “she is fully cured.” The lady told, “no I am not”. She couldn’t see her precious furniture in her bungalow. Those were not visible to her.

The doctor was very cross and went to the court. He told the judge everything that the lady had done a big cheating. The judge patiently told that what cheating. The doctor said that he had cured the lady but she is not agreeing to give him money as I asked her to give. The lady told she couldn’t see her furniture in her bungalow. The judge understood at once. He gave the doctor the punishment and he was sent to the jail.

Moral- We should never be greedy we should always be honest and never steal other’s belongings.


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