Pink shoes

Autobiography – A pair of shoes

Hello, friends, my name is pink, I am a pair of shoes and I am now speaking from a dump of garbage. I remember those days how shiny pink and pretty I was. Really such nice days were those. I also have old boots with me and my best friend red. Those are my old shoe friends. They are giving me company. 

Years ago I was a piece of beautiful leather. I was taken to the factory and manufactured into a pretty and a shiny pink shoe. I was polished after that I was looking more shiny and glittery. Then I was packed and was delivered to shop called Xshoe. I was kept for display so that anybody can buy me. After some time I was seen by a lady she came into the store and asked my prize. The shopkeeper told 50,000. The lady was upset and went away with a bad mood. Many hours went many people came to buy me but nobody could buy me. I hope I wasn’t very expensive or very bad looking. Hours became into days, days became into weeks and weeks into months. After some months a rich lady was passing by and she saw me. She was very pleased and went into the shop. After hearing my expensive prize the lady didn’t react. She was normal she wasn’t shocked anymore. She bought me at once and went away by paying the cash. She was looking very happy and went to her home.

She entered her house and directly went to her room with me. She was in front of her mirror and was eager to wear me. First time I had seen such an excited women. After trying me she was looking gorgeous. She liked me and was very pleased and happy. She kept me carefully in a box and kept it in a shoe case. She thought she will wear me in special events like parties, functions, concerts and in many other events. After some days the lady took me out of the box and wore me she was looking very excited. Actually, she was going to a party. She went into a grand luxury car I was also excited because the first time I was going to a party. The lady went off the car and walked towards the party hall. I was hearing a pop music. The music was louder as she was coming closer.

There were thousands of people and celebrities also. I was seeing that everyone was dancing and had a perfect smile on their faces. The lady who was wearing me was also dancing. She was dancing the best she liked me a lot. It was very late and it was midnight. Everyone was very tired and started going to their house. My owner was also very tired and went home. She kept me carefully in the box again and went off to sleep. Like this only I experienced many parties in which the lady went.

But one day, while returning home it was raining very heavily and the lady was going through her car. But when her home came and she stepped out of the car I was wet. The lady went quickly to her home but couldn’t save me. I t was too late and I was too wet filled with water. The lady did many things to save me what on earth she tried to save me but it was too late. I was useless my color was pale and I was no more shiny or glittery. I was ugly. The lady was very sad as I was one of her favorite shoes. She had no more ways, at last, she had to throw me into the garbage I was thrown into the garbage and I was very sad. I find some friends in the garbage and they gave me company. I still remember those days how shiny I was. Those were my golden days.


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