
Showing posts from 2016

The Sun

The Sun The sun is our nearest star. The sun provides us with light and heat. It also gives out ultraviolet light which causes sun burn and may even cause skin cancer. Without the sun there would be no day light, and our planet would be simply dark, frozen world, with no oceans of water and no life. Just like a human body which is made up of different systems that work together, the sun is also made up of that function together to help it maximize its power in the solar system. The innermost part of the sun is called the core. Here a lot of gasses move, churn, and react to produce energy. This energy reaches the earth.The sun’s atmosphere is called the corona. Often, some giant stream of gasses and particles explode from the surface of the sun. This called a solar flare. There are also some dark spots on the sun are called sun spots. The sun is so bright that you shouldn’t ever look at it directly without protecting your eyes. Have you ever wondered where

The Rich Blind Old Lady

The rich, blind old lady Once upon a time, there lived an old lady. She was very rich and lived in a grand bungalow. She was happy and everything was going right. But slowly- slowly her eyes grew older and older. Her eyes were very weak. Finally, she was blind. She couldn't see anything at all. She thought to call the doctor and thought to make her eyes as strong as they were in the past. She picked up her phone and dialed the number a big conversation went on. And at last, the doctor told to give a huge amount of fee. The old lady told that she will be cured perfectly so she will give the money. The doctor said ''yes''. Next morning the doctor came. The old lady welcomed the doctor warmly. The doctor admired at the huge bungalow in which the old lady lived. When the doctor entered in her house he saw many paintings, sculptures, vases and valuable statues of the past. He admires them for a long time. The doctor started curing the

Pink shoes

Autobiography – A pair of shoes Hello, friends, my name is pink, I am a pair of shoes and I am now speaking from a dump of garbage. I remember those days how shiny pink and pretty I was. Really such nice days were those. I also have old boots with me and my best friend red. Those are my old shoe friends. They are giving me company.  Years ago I was a piece of beautiful leather. I was taken to the factory and manufactured into a pretty and a shiny pink shoe. I was polished after that I was looking more shiny and glittery. Then I was packed and was delivered to shop called Xshoe. I was kept for display so that anybody can buy me. After some time I was seen by a lady she came into the store and asked my prize. The shopkeeper told 50,000. The lady was upset and went away with a bad mood. Many hours went many people came to buy me but nobody could buy me. I hope I wasn’t very expensive or very bad looking. Hours became into days, days beca