Saving The TIGER

Tigers are the most historic animals of the past. Nowadays tigers are becoming less in numbers due to the natural disasters and other human purposes. Tigers should be kept in the sanctuary not only tigers other animals also should be kept. Tigers are unusual.  

Many animals are now extinct because of our human evolution. Tigers are one of the animals which are now a prey of humans. Tigers survive in some of the last great forests of Asia, which are critical not only for their biodiversity but also as stores of carbon that would end up released into the atmosphere if these forests were cut down. By protecting tiger habitat, we help mitigate climate change. Not only is tiger a beautiful animal but it is also the indicator of the forest's health. Saving the tiger means we save the forest since tiger cannot live in places where trees have vanished and in turn secure food and water for all. One day like other animals tigers would also be believed as extinct animals. Tigers are kept safe in the sanctuary. Killing humans is a crime so why not animals. Many people around our world kill such innocent animals for their unnatural business like making clothes, bags and boots and jackets too. People should realize their fault and stop doing these things. Don’t ever buy the things which are made of tiger’s skin. Tigers should not be kept in jungles as they can be hunted and killed. There are only 3000 tigers left in the whole wide world it also can be less than that we should act now or else after 20 years this animal would be extinct. Tigers are very precious. Tigers would be extinct if we will do like this. As per my knowledge, I request you all to take precautions against saving of tigers.


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