
Showing posts from 2015

The Milky Way Galaxy

The Milky Way Galaxy A galaxy is a family of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity. Much of a galaxy is empty space, with distances between each star that are to imagine. Our solar system is a tiny part of a gigantic spiral galaxy, the Milky way. This is made up of billions of stars, which look as if they have been sprinkled thickly onto the night sky.

Shooting Stars

Shooting Stars A flash of light briefly streaks across the sky, and then disappears. It is probably a meteor- a common sight. Meteors are also known as shooting stars. A meteor is a chunk of rock or dust that burns up as it enters Earth's atmosphere. Most meteors will attract a magnet, because of their iron magnet. If a meteor smashes into Earth, it is called a meteorite. When they hit Earth's atmosphere, some meteors explode, and the resulting fragments can result in spectacular showers. One famous shower takes place every November, when Earth passes through a swarm of meteors called the Leonid.     

Saving mother earth

Saving mother earth It is our duty to save mother earth. Now a days people don't care about saving mother earth but there is still time to save mother earth. She is very important for us. There are many ways to save mother earth by not cutting trees, and if we cut one tree so we should grow more two  trees. Trees are very useful to us. We should not kill animals. We should save them.

My own candy world

My own candy world I always dreamed of my own candy world. It's my favorite I wish that the road would be made of different types of candy. The trees would be made of lollipops the stones would be made from jellybeans. The clouds would be made from pink fluffy candies. The lakes, seas, rivers and the oceans would be made from chocolate and strawberry syrup. It would be delicious. My own house would be made from candy, the roof from bars of chocolate windows and doors from chocolate rolls. Mountains and all the nature things from ice cream. I wish...I wish...I wish... 

lord budha

Lord Buddha Do you know my favorite god? He is Lord Buddha. I like him because he likes peace. Do you know Lord Buddha is also known as Siddhartha Gautama. He had taken birth in Nepal. He never liked to kill birds and animals. Buddha was a sage . He was good in aiming. He did meditations all day. So that’s why I like the qualities of Lord Buddha. Lord Buddha stands for peace, truth and love. From Buddhism I have learned many things. I have learned that we should be disciplined. We should always speak the truth and etc. Lord Buddha always wants peace not anger.

Saving The TIGER

Tigers are the most historic animals of the past. Nowadays tigers are becoming less in numbers due to the natural disasters and other human purposes. Tigers should be kept in the sanctuary not only tigers other animals also should be kept. Tigers are unusual.   Many animals are now extinct because of our human evolution. Tigers are one of the animals which are now a prey of humans. Tigers survive in some of the last great forests of Asia, which are critical not only for their biodiversity but also as stores of carbon that would end up released into the atmosphere if these forests were cut down. By protecting tiger habitat, we help mitigate climate change. Not only is tiger a beautiful animal but it is also the indicator of the forest's health. Saving the tiger means we save the forest since tiger cannot live in places where trees have vanished and in turn secure food and water for all.   One day like other animals tigers would also be believed as extinct anim

The Solar System

The Solar System Our Solar System belongs to the Milky Way Galaxy. Our earth belongs to the Solar System. The planets in the solar system revolve around the sun. The biggest planet in the solar system is Jupiter it is made up off gas, the smallest planet in the solar system is Mercury. Mercury is very hot. The planet Earth is the third planet from the sun. Many years ago there was known to be  planets. the ninth planet was Pluto. It was too small it was also small from earth's moon. Scientists told that due to it's small size it couldn't be a planet so now we call this planet a dwarf planet.  


Computers Computers are really very useful. Without the computer our life would be really very difficult. Computers are used in different places such as schools, hospitals, banks, offices, home and etc. There are different types of computers. Some of the computers are also hidden in machines such as wash machine, TV ad etc. There are different parts of a computers those are mouse, CPU, keyboard. The first computer was invented by Charles Babbage. He invented the first computer. The computer was huge and it was made up by thousands of vacuum tubes. The vacuum tubes were very expensive. Later came the transistors they were less expensive and they were small.

Early humans

Early humans. Early humans were hunters and gathers. They first appeared about 4 to 4.5 million years ago. The earliest remains of humans have been found in Africa. Early humans went through many different stages to evolve into Homo sapiens. They wandered from place to place. They did not know how to grow anything. They had no clothes and covered themselves with the bark of trees and animal skins. They lived in caves and on tree, where they could protect themselves from wild animals and bad weather.

Ganesh Chaturti

Ganesh Chaturti Ganesh Chaturti is celebrated on 29 August as it is the birthday of lord ganesha. Ganesh Chaturti is well celebrated in Maharashtra. On Ganesh Chaturti Festival Lord Ganesha ia bought in all houses. Lord Ganesha is really very famous in Maharashtra. Lord Ganesha is feeded with modaks and ladoos. He just like eating sweets. Lord Ganesha statues are prepared before Ganesh Chaturti arrives. Many people go to temples in the morning and prey Lord Ganesha. Temple people fix dinner in the night. That time many sweet shops are opened. Well the shop keepers collect many money as the many people visit the shops at festival time, because they need sweets for their Lord. People make well dressed clothes for Lord Ganesha. People make puja in their houses. Well so very happy Ganesh Chaturti to you. Thank you...


Exercise Exercise is very important for us. We do exercise to keep our body fit. We should do exercise everyday or else our body would be weak and we would be fat. Some people go to gym for exercising and some do yoga. Yoga is also a exercise. There are different types of exercise such as dancing, playing, skipping and etc. We should always go down to  play. It is good for our health. Swimming is best exercise as all the parts of our body works. Swimming is very necessary for our body. ­


 Discipline Discipline comes from the word called disciple means a student. Discipline and punctuality is very important in our life. Without it we can't do anything. Not only in school we should be disciplined everywhere. Discipline comes in good habits such as early to rise and early to bed, not taking other' belonging without any permission, and respect to elders and etc. We should always listen to our elders and specially elders. They always tell us the right way to go. Being punctual will help us in our future. We should be disciplines and punctual.

My Bird

My Bird   Well there are different varieties of birds. I have two birds. The bird's names are budgie. I have two budgies. One's name is Rosy and the other one's name is Kiwi. I love my birds and they love me too. There are different colors of  these birds. My bird's color is green and yellow. These are my favorite colors. I take special care of my birds. They eat a lot. The food's name is millet. They love millet. I h ope so you to have a p et or may I say birds.