Ganesh Chaturti

Ganesh Chaturti

Ganesh Chaturti is celebrated on 29 August as it is the birthday of lord ganesha. Ganesh Chaturti is well celebrated in Maharashtra. On Ganesh Chaturti Festival Lord Ganesha ia bought in all houses. Lord Ganesha is really very famous in Maharashtra. Lord Ganesha is feeded with modaks and ladoos. He just like eating sweets. Lord Ganesha statues are prepared before Ganesh Chaturti arrives. Many people go to temples in the morning and prey Lord Ganesha. Temple people fix dinner in the night. That time many sweet shops are opened. Well the shop keepers collect many money as the many people visit the shops at festival time, because they need sweets for their Lord. People make well dressed clothes for Lord Ganesha. People make puja in their houses. Well so very happy Ganesh Chaturti to you. Thank you...


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