A Trip to the Island

A Trip to the Island

 Sam and John were best friends and one day read a story in the school. They really liked the story. It was about a group of children planning to go to an island and living there for a few weeks. The children spend many adventurous days and also made their own tree house on the island. Sam and John were fascinated by the story and they also wanted to experience such a trip to the island. Sam and John also told their friend Glenda about the story. She was also so curious to go to the trip to the island.

The three children asked their parents if they could go for a trip to the island and guess what they allowed them to go for a trip. They decided to go to the island next day. They packed some food and took a small dinghy for rent to go to the island by sea. Early in the morning the three children took their belongings and packed it into their bag. And went for the trip. While going to the island they took their dinghy and headed for the island. John knew how to control a dinghy so he tried to manage the boat. When they started heading for the island the waves became very choppy. It was difficult to reach the shore and the sky was full of black clouds. It was going to rain heavily.

Sam told John to speed up but they were too late. It started raining heavily. They all got drenched in rain. But luckily they reached ashore. They went into the jungle and found a cave there. They decided to spend the night there.They were too exhausted and changed their clothes. They went for searching some fruits in the island. They got some wild fruits and ate them. Some of them were sweet and some were bitter and sour. They wanted to save their food which they had brought from home. The next day they started making their tree house. They took several days to complete its building. Finally, they built their tree house and decorated it with flowers and etc. The tree house looked splendid and they lived there for a few days. The kids wanted to go back to their home and started packing their bags. 

The next day they went ashore and started their dinghy and headed back home. On the way there came a big storm. They were worried if the boat got sunk so it would be difficult to reach home. Suddenly a huge wave came and swept from under the boat and threw all three children and their belongings overboard. They screamed as the boat capsized. They were very scared. However, their life jackets helped them to keep afloat.

Sam quickly grabbed all their belongings and looked around to see if Glenda and John were alright. Sam quickly pointed to shore and they swam and reached ashore as the distance was less. Then they headed back to their houses. They told to their parents how their journey was to the island and about the incident back to home. Their parents told them that they shouldn't have gone for a trip to an unknown island without their parent’s guidance.


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