
Showing posts from April, 2017

Making Mistakes

Mistakes Mistakes are common in every one. All of us make mistakes and we really don’t need to get upset from mistakes because it is a very useful thing. We can make mistake starting from our home to our business or social life too. We can learn from our mistake s and do better next time. Committing mistakes doesn’t mean that you are a failure it just means that you are learning and trying in your life. Making mistakes can help us to rectify where we did it wrong and then we will not repeat it again. But off course committing a same mistake again and again is wrong. When we make a mistake we should learn from it. So the next time you will not commit the same thing.  Most people believe that making mistake is a bad thing. Yes, off course it is a bad thing but it is also a good thing. How? Let me tell you some mistakes that you do daily in your life. You can just pronounce the wrong word. You can make errors while writing it is common in every body even the best